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Prepositions are words which connect two nouns together, or provide additional information to a sentence. Examples of prepositions include:

Some examples of prepositions connecting nouns:

Some examples of prepositions providing additional information to a sentence:

Usage Notes for Specific Prepositions

The preposition ov (of) is often used to indicate possession, since Koolaŋ doesn't have a dedicated possessive suffix like English does.

The preposition for (for) can be followed by ðet, to mean "so that". (The word ðet will be explained in detail in a later section.)

The preposition duriŋ (during) can be used to specify the duration of an action (normally done with "for" in English).

To say that something happened some amount of time ago, the preposition before (before) is used.

Likewise, to say that something will happen in some amount of time, the preposition after (after) is used.