Determiners are a class of grammatical words which includes the definite article "the", demonstratives like "this" and "that", quantifiers like "all", "some", "none", and more. They are placed at the beginnings of noun phrases (before all other adjectives).
- ðat larje house "that large house"
- some paþ "some path"
Here is a list of all determiner words in Koolaŋ:
- ðe: the
- ðis: this
- ðat: that
- wat: what, which
- everi: every, all, each
- none: no, none
- some: some
- boþ: both
- eiðer: either
And here is an example of each of them in use:
- Ðe larje house is blue "The large house is blue"
- Ðis tree have mani leafs "This tree has many leaves"
- Ðat mountain is tal "That mountain is tall"
- Wat kolœr ðe ski have? "What color does the sky have?" (Questions will be explained in-depth in a later section)
- Everi tree is plant "Every tree is a plant"
- We have none sandwices "We have no sandwiches"
- Some persones disagree ðe bos "Some people disagree with the boss"
- Boþ konsepts is sili "Both ideas are silly".
- Eiðer animal kan kil we "Either animal can kill us"
All of these determiners, except for ðe, can also be used by themselves, functioning much like pronouns.
- Ðis is good "This is good"
- Ðat is veri larje mountain "That is a very large mountain"
- Wat you sayed? "What did you say?"
- Meni stars egzist, and everi is briȝt "There are many stars, and all (of them) are bright"
- Me know meni persones, but none is smart "I know many people, but none (of them) are smart"
- Some believe oðerli "Some believe otherwise"
- Boþ is veri loud "Both are very loud"
- Me woud is okay wiþ eiðer "I would be okay with either (one)"
ðis and ðat can be used with plural nouns, unlike in English where you'd need to use "these" and "those".
- Ðis soks is komfortable "These socks are comfortable"
- Ðat plantes is beautiful "Those plants are beautiful"