Below is a dictionary containing all Koolaŋ words and their meanings.
Parts of speech are abbreviated like so:
[n] noun, [v] verb, [a] adjective, [prep] preposition, [adv] adverb,
[pn] pronoun, [det] determiner, [c] conjunction, [ptc] particle.
- about: [prep] about, concerning
- above: [prep] above, over, over top of
- ad: [v] add
- adapt: [v] adapt
- adhere: [v] adhere to, stick to
- admit: [v] admit, confess
- adult: [n] adult
- adverb: [n] adverb
- advertize: [v] advertise
- aesþetik: [n] aesthetic, ethos, atmosphere
- afekt: [v] affect
- after: [prep] after, since
- afternoon: [n] afternoon
- again: [adv] again
- against: [prep] against
- agree: [v] agree with
- ahead: [prep] ahead of, in front of
- aim: [v] aim
- air: [n] air
- airplane: [n] airplane, plane
- ajektive: [n] adjective
- ajust: [v] adjust
- akros: [prep] across
- aksle: [n] axle
- akt: [v] act, behave
- aktive: [a] active, on, turned on
- akšion: [n] action
- alerji: [n] allergy
- alive: [a] alive, living
- alkohol: [n] alcohol
- almond: [n] almond
- almost: [adv] almost, nearly
- alone: [a] alone
- aloŋ: [prep] along
- alreadi: [adv] already
- also: [adv] also, too
- aluminœm: [n] aluminum/aluminium
- amaceur: [a] amateur, inexperienced
- amaze: [v] amaze, astound, impress
- amfibian: [n] amphibian
- and: [c] and
- aŋgri: [a] angry
- ani: [a] any
- animal: [n] animal
- anounse: [v] announce
- anoy: [v] annoy, irritate
- anser: [v] answer, respond
- anus: [n] butt, anus
- apear: [v] appear, become visible
- aplaud: [v] applaud
- aple: [n] apple
- april: [n] April
- apropriate: [a] appropriate, suitable
- aprove: [v] approve (of), accept, support
- area: [n] area, region, zone
- argue: [v] argue, dispute
- arm: [n] arm
- around: [prep] around
- arow: [n] arrow
- art: [n] art
- arþropod: [n] arthropod
- as: [adv] as (used in comparisons)
- asfalt: [n] asphalt
- asid: [n] acid
- ask: [v] ask, inquire
- asume: [v] assume
- at: [prep] at
- atom: [n] atom
- atribute: [n] attribute, quality
- august: [n] August
- aunt: [n] aunt
- automatik: [a] automatic
- autum: [n] autumn, fall
- available: [a] available
- avoid: [v] avoid, dodge
- await: [v] await, wait for
- awake: [a] awake
- awkward: [a] awkward
- azif: [c] as if, as though
- aŋgle: [n] angle, orientation, direction, rotation
- aš: [n] ash
- babi: [n] baby
- bad: [a] bad
- bag: [n] bag
- bak: [n] back, rear
- bakteria: [n] bacteria
- bakward: [a] backward
- balanse: [v] balance
- baloon: [n] balloon
- banana: [n] banana
- bandaje: [n] bandage
- bareli: [adv] barely, hardly at all
- basket: [n] basket
- bateri: [n] battery
- baþ: [n] bath, bathtub
- baŋk: [n] bank (money building)
- beac: [n] beach
- bean: [n] bean
- beard: [n] beard
- beautiful: [a] beautiful
- bed: [n] bed
- beep: [v] beep, chirp
- beer: [n] beer
- before: [prep] before, ago
- behind: [prep] behind
- bekauze: [c] because
- bekome: [v] become
- bel: [n] bell
- believe: [v] believe, have an opinion
- below: [prep] below, beneath, under
- belt: [n] belt
- bend: [v] bend
- beri: [n] berry
- bet: [v] bet
- between: [prep] between
- beveraje: [n] beverage, drink
- bi: [prep] by (caused by; used in passive sentences)
- bie: [n] bye, goodbye
- bike: [n] bike, bicycle
- bird: [n] bird
- birþ: [v] give birth to
- bite: [v] bite
- biter: [a] bitter
- blak: [a] black
- blame: [v] blame
- blaŋket: [n] blanket
- blind: [a] blind
- blok: [n] block, cube
- blood: [n] blood
- blow: [v] blow
- blue: [a] blue
- blueberi: [n] blueberry
- board: [n] board
- boat: [n] boat, ship
- bodi: [n] body
- boil: [v] boil
- boks: [n] box
- bom: [n] bomb
- bone: [n] bone
- book: [n] book
- border: [n] border, outline
- bore: [v] bore, be boring to
- borow: [v] borrow
- bos: [n] boss, manager, leader, president
- botle: [n] bottle
- botom: [n] bottom, base
- bounse: [v] bounce
- bowl: [n] bowl
- boy: [n] boy
- boþ: [det] both
- brain: [n] brain, mind
- branc: [n] branch
- brave: [a] brave, bold, courageous
- bread: [n] bread
- break: [v] break, tear, rip
- breakfast: [n] breakfast
- breast: [n] breast, boob
- breaðe: [v] breathe
- brije: [n] bridge
- brik: [n] brick
- briŋ: [v] bring, carry
- briȝt: [a] bright
- brokoli: [n] broccoli
- bronze: [n] bronze
- broom: [b] broom
- brown: [a] brown
- broðer: [n] brother
- bug: [n] bug
- buildiŋ: [n] building
- buket: [n] bucket
- bulet: [n] bullet, ammunition
- bump: [n] bump, lump
- burger: [n] burger, hamburger
- buri: [v] bury
- burn: [v] burn
- burp: [v] burp, belch
- burst: [v] burst, pop
- bus: [n] bus
- but: [c] but, however
- buter: [n] butter
- buton: [n] button, key (on a keyboard etc.)
- buz: [v] buzz
- buzi: [a] busy, occupied
- cain: [n] chain
- cair: [n] chair, seat, bench
- cak: [n] chalk
- calenje: [n] challenge
- canje: [v] change
- cariti: [n] charity
- case: [v] chase
- ceap: [a] cheap
- ceat: [v] cheat
- ceek: [n] cheek
- ceeze: [n] cheese
- cek: [v] check, inspect, make sure
- cel: [n] cell ("cel" to avoid collision with "sel")
- cest: [n] chest (body part)
- cew: [v] chew
- ciken: [n] chicken
- cild: [n] child, offspring
- cin: [n] chin
- cokolate: [n] chocolate
- cu: [ptc] yes/no question particle (borrowed from Esperanto "ĉu")
- curc: [n] church
- danjer: [n] danger, threat
- danse: [v] dance
- dark: [a] dark
- data: [n] data
- dauȝter: [n] daughter
- day: [n] day
- dead: [a] dead
- deaf: [a] deaf
- deep: [a] deep
- defend: [v] defend, protect, guard
- define: [v] define
- degree: [n] degree (unit of temperature or angle)
- dekay: [v] decay, rot, decompose
- deklare: [v] declare
- dekrease: [v] decrease
- demand: [v] demand, order, command
- dense: [a] dense
- depend: [v] depend on, rely on
- desember: [n] December
- deside: [v] decide
- deskribe: [v] describe, explain
- destinašion: [n] destination
- destroy: [v] destroy, delete
- determiner: [n] determiner (part of speech)
- dezerve: [v] deserve, merit
- dezin: [v] design
- diagonal: [a] diagonal
- die: [v] die
- diferent: [a] different, not the same
- difikult: [a] difficult, hard
- dig: [v] dig
- diner: [n] dinner
- direkt: [a] direct
- dirt: [n] dirt, soil
- dirti: [a] dirty
- disgust: [v] disgust, be gross to
- disk: [n] disk
- distanse: [n] distance, length, interval, span
- divide: [ptc] divided by (division operator)
- divorse: [v] divorce
- dizi: [a] dizzy
- diš: [n] dish, plate
- do: [v] do, perform an action
- dog: [n] dog
- dokument: [n] document
- dolar: [n] dollar
- door: [n] door
- dot: [n] dot, period
- douȝ: [n] dough
- down: [a] down, low
- drag: [v] drag
- draw: [v] draw, illustrate
- dream: [n] dream
- dres: [n] dress
- dri: [a] dry
- dril: [n] drill
- drive: [v] drive (a vehicle)
- driŋk: [v] drink
- drop: [v] drop, let go of
- drug: [n] drug
- drum: [n] drum, percussion
- duk: [n] duck
- dul: [a] dull
- duriŋ: [prep] during, while, as, for (a duration of time)
- dust: [n] dust, powder
- eacoðer: [pn] each other (reciprocal pronoun)
- ear: [n] ear
- earli: [a] early
- earn: [v] earn
- east: [a] east, eastern
- eat: [v] eat, consume
- eazi: [a] easy
- efišient: [a] efficient
- eg: [n] egg
- egzakt: [a] exact, precise
- egzist: [v] exist
- egzit: [v] exit, leave, depart
- eiðer: [det] either
- eiȝt: [num] eight, 8
- eje: [n] edge
- eksample: [n] example
- eksept: [prep] except
- eksite: [v] excite
- eksklude: [v] exclude
- ekspekt: [v] expect, predict, anticipate
- ekspensive: [a] expensive
- ekspert: [a] expert, skilled, professional
- eksplode: [v] explode
- eksplore: [v] explore, adventure
- ekstent: [n] extent
- ekstra: [a] extra, spare
- ekstreme: [a] extreme, severe
- elektrik: [a] electric
- elektron: [n] electron
- embaras: [v] embarrass
- emerjensi: [n] emergency
- emošion: [n] emotion
- empti: [a] empty
- end: [v] end
- endure: [v] endure, suffer, withstand, bear, deal with
- enemi: [n] enemy
- enerji: [n] energy
- enjine: [n] engine, motor
- enjoy: [v] enjoy, like
- enouf: [a] enough, sufficient
- enter: [v] enter
- entertain: [v] entertain
- entire: [a] entire, whole
- environment: [n] environment
- erase: [v] erase
- eror: [n] error, mistake
- even: [adv] even (emphasizing surprise/extremeness)
- evencual: [a] eventual
- eveniŋ: [n] evening
- event: [n] event, occurence
- everi: [det] every, all, each
- eye: [n] eye
- eyebrow: [n] eyebrow
- eyelaš: [n] eyelash
- fail: [v] fail, lose (a game, competition, etc.)
- fair: [a] fair, just
- fake: [a] fake, deceptive, spurious
- faktori: [n] factory
- fal: [v] fall
- false: [a] false
- famili: [n] family
- fan: [n] fan
- far: [a] far, away
- farm: [n] farm
- fart: [v] fart
- fase: [n] face (of a person/animal)
- fast: [a] fast, quick
- fat: [n] fat
- faðer: [n] father
- feaðer: [n] feather
- febuari: [n] February
- feel: [v] feel
- few: [a] few, not many
- field: [n] field, plain
- fiks: [v] fix, repair
- fil: [v] fill
- file: [n] file
- film: [n] film, movie
- filosofi: [n] philosophy
- find: [v] find, discover
- fine: [a] fine (composed of very small particles)
- finite: [n] finite
- finiš: [v] finish, complete
- fire: [n] fire, flame
- first: [a] first, initial
- five: [num] five, 5
- fiziks: [n] physics
- fiŋger: [n] finger
- fiš: [n] fish
- fiȝt: [v] fight, attack
- flag: [n] flag
- flake: [n] flake
- flat: [a] flat
- flavœr: [n] flavor/flavour, taste
- flaš: [v] flash, blink
- fleš: [n] flesh
- fli: [v] fly
- float: [v] float
- floor: [n] floor
- flower: [n] flower
- flute: [n] flute
- foam: [n] foam
- fog: [n] fog
- fokus: [v] focus on, concentrate, pay attention to
- fold: [v] fold
- fone: [n] phone, telephone
- food: [n] food
- foot: [n] foot (body part)
- for: [prep] for, in order for
- forcunate: [a] fortunate, lucky
- forehead: [n] forehead
- forein: [a] foreign
- forest: [n] forest
- forget: [v] forget
- forgive: [v] forgive
- fork: [n] fork
- formal: [a] formal, fancy
- forse: [n] force
- forward: [a] forward
- four: [num] four, 4
- frai: [v] fry
- frame: [n] frame
- free: [a] free
- freeze: [v] freeze
- freš: [a] fresh
- friday: [n] Friday
- friend: [n] friend
- frije: [n] fridge, refridgerator
- frikšion: [n] friction
- frog: [n] frog
- from: [prep] from, originating from
- front: [n] front
- fruit: [n] fruit
- fucure: [n] future
- fuel: [n] fuel
- ful: [a] full, no space left
- fun: [a] fun
- funi: [a] funny
- fur: [n] fur
- furnicure: [n] furniture
- fuŋgus: [n] fungus
- fuŋkšion: [v] function, work (properly)
- game: [n] game
- garaje: [n] garage
- garbaje: [n] garbage, trash
- garden: [n] garden
- gas: [n] gas (matter in a gaseous state)
- gasoline: [n] gasoline, gas
- gear: [n] gear
- get: [v] get, receive
- gift: [n] gift, present
- girl: [n] girl
- give: [v] give, donate, transfer
- glas: [n] glass
- glases: [n] glasses
- glove: [n] glove, mitten
- glue: [n] glue
- go: [v] go
- goal: [n] goal, target
- god: [n] god
- gold: [n] gold
- good: [a] good
- gost: [n] ghost, spirit
- government: [n] government
- graf: [n] graph, chart
- gram: [n] gram (unit of mass)
- gramar: [n] grammar
- grape: [n] grape
- gras: [n] grass
- graseful: [a] graceful
- graviti: [n] gravity
- greedi: [a] gredy, selfish
- green: [a] green
- ground: [n] ground
- group: [n] group
- grow: [v] grow
- grœy: [a] gray/grey
- gues: [v] guess, estimate, infer
- guilti: [a] guilty
- guitar: [n] guitar
- gun: [n] gun, firearm
- habit: [n] habit
- hair: [n] hair
- halway: [n] hallway, hall
- hand: [n] hand
- hapen: [v] happen, occur
- hapi: [a] happy
- hard: [a] hard, stiff, firm
- hat: [n] hat
- hate: [v] hate
- have: [v] have, possess
- hay: [n] hay
- haŋ: [v] hang
- he: [pn] he, him
- head: [n] head
- heal: [v] heal
- healþi: [a] healthy
- hear: [v] hear
- heart: [n] heart
- heavi: [a] heavy, heavyweight
- heliks: [n] helix, coil, spring
- helo: [n] hello, greeting
- help: [v] help, assist, serve
- here: [adv] here, right here
- hezitate: [v] hesitate
- hide: [v] hide
- hidrojen: [n] hydrogen
- hil: [n] hill
- hinje: [n] hinge, joint
- hire: [v] hire, employ
- histori: [n] history
- hit: [v] hit, strike, beat
- ho: [pn] who, which person
- hold: [v] hold
- hole: [n] hole, cavity
- holiday: [n] holiday
- holow: [a] hollow
- home: [n] home
- honey: [n] honey
- hook: [n] hook
- hope: [v] hope
- horizontal: [a] horizontal
- horse: [n] horse, pony
- hospital: [n] hospital
- hotel: [n] hotel
- hour: [n] hour
- house: [n] house
- how: [adv] how, in what way
- howmuc: [adv] how much, how many
- hug: [v] hug, embrace
- hundred: [num] (one) hundred, 100
- hunt: [v] hunt
- hurt: [v] hurt, harm, injure, damage
- huzband: [n] husband
- huŋgri: [a] hungry
- identiti: [n] identity
- if: [c] if
- ignore: [v] ignore
- iland: [n] island
- imaje: [n] image, picture, photo
- imajine: [v] imagine
- imediate: [a] immediate, instant
- important: [a] important, relevant
- in: [prep] in, inside
- informašion: [n] information
- inkrease: [v] increase
- inosent: [a] innocent
- input: [n] input
- insekt: [n] insect
- instal: [v] install
- instead: [prep] instead of
- intend: [v] intend
- interest: [v] interest, fascinate
- internet: [n] internet
- interupt: [v] interrupt, interfere
- intestine: [n] intenstine
- into: [prep] into
- introduse: [v] introduce
- invite: [v] invite
- iron: [n] iron
- is: [v] be, is, am, are
- ise: [n] ice
- isekream: [n] ice cream
- it: [pn] it
- iŋk: [n] ink
- januari: [n] January
- jem: [n] gem, crystal
- jender: [n] gender
- jene: [n] gene
- jenerous: [a] generous, selfless
- jenitalia: [n] genitalia
- job: [n] job, profession, occupation
- join: [v] join, become a member of, become a part of
- joke: [n] joke
- juise: [n] juice
- juli: [n] July
- jump: [v] jump
- june: [n] June
- just: [ptc] just (placed before a past tense verb to indicate recent past)
- kable: [n] cable, wire
- kac: [v] catch
- kake: [n] cake
- kal: [v] call
- kalendar: [n] calendar
- kam: [a] calm
- kamera: [n] camera
- kamp: [n] camp
- kan: [v] can, be able to
- kandi: [n] candy
- kandle: [n] candle
- kanser: [n] cancer
- kapsule: [n] capsule, pill, pod, pellet
- kar: [n] car
- karbon: [n] carbon
- kard: [n] card
- kare: [v] care, have concern
- karot: [n] carrot
- kartoon: [n] cartoon, animation
- kase: [n] case, circumstance
- kat: [n] cat
- kauze: [v] cause
- kaušious: [a] cautious, careful
- kažual: [a] casual, informal
- keep: [v] keep, store, preserve
- kemikal: [n] chemical
- key: [n] key
- kid: [n] kid, child
- kik: [v] kick
- kind: [n] kind, category
- kis: [v] kiss
- klap: [v] clap (one's hands)
- klasik: [a] classic, retro
- klay: [n] clay
- klean: [a] clean
- klear: [a] clear, transparent, obvious
- klik: [v] click (make a clicking sound, or click on a computer mouse)
- klim: [v] climb
- klok: [n] clock, watch
- kloud: [n] cloud
- kloze: [v] close, shut
- kloðiŋ: [n] clothing, clothes
- kloþ: [n] cloth
- klue: [n] clue, hint
- knife: [n] knife
- knob: [n] knob, handle
- know: [v] know
- koal: [n] coal
- koarse: [a] coarse
- koast: [n] coast
- koat: [n] coat
- kode: [n] code
- kofee: [n] coffee
- koin: [n] coin
- kold: [a] cold, cool
- kolekt: [v] collect, gather
- kolum: [n] column
- kolœr: [n] color/colour
- kome: [v] come, arrive
- komfortable: [a] comfortable
- komon: [a]: common, frequent
- kompani: [n] company, business
- kompare: [v] compare
- kompete: [v] compete
- komplain: [v] complain
- kompleks: [a] complex, complicated
- kompute: [v] compute, calculate
- komunikate: [v] communicate
- komuniti: [n] community
- kondense: [v] condense (transform from gas to liquid)
- konekt: [v] connect, attach
- konform: [v] conform
- konfuse: [v] confuse
- kongrajulate: [v] congratulate
- konjuŋkšion: [n] conjunction (part of speech)
- konsept: [n] concept, idea
- konsonant: [n] consonant
- konstant: [a] constant, unchanging
- konstrukt: [v] construct, build
- kontain: [v] contain, include
- kontekst: [n] context, setting
- kontent: [n] content
- kontinue: [v] continue, keep doing
- kontrol: [v] control, rule
- kook: [v] cook, bake
- kookie: [n] cookie
- kool: [a] cool, awesome
- koper: [n] copper
- kopi: [v] copy, duplicate
- korekt: [a] correct
- korn: [n] corn
- korner: [n] corner
- kost: [n] cost, price
- koton: [n] cotton
- kouf: [v] cough
- kount: [v] count
- kourse: [n] course, class
- kouzin: [n] cousin
- kover: [v] cover, conceal
- kow: [n] cow
- krab: [n] crab, crustacean
- kranberi: [n] cranberry
- kraš: [v] crash
- kreative: [a] creative
- kredit: [v] give credit to
- kri: [v] cry, weep
- krime: [n] crime
- kros: [n] cross, X-shape
- kueue: [n] queue
- kuiet: [a] quiet
- kukumber: [n] cucumber
- kulcure: [n] culture
- kuote: [n] quote, quotation
- kup: [n] cup
- kurent: [a] current
- kut: [v] cut, slice
- kute: [a] cute, adorable
- label: [n] label
- lader: [n] ladder
- lake: [n] lake
- land: [n] land
- larje: [a] large, big
- last: [a] last, final
- late: [a] late
- lauf: [v] laugh
- lay: [v] lay, lay down, lie
- lazi: [a] lazy
- laŋguaje: [n] language
- leaf: [n] leaf
- lean: [v] lean
- learn: [v] learn, study
- least: [adv] least
- leaðer: [n] leather
- left: [a] left, leftward
- leg: [n] leg
- legal: [a] legal
- lemon: [n] lemon
- lend: [v] lend, loan
- lens: [n] lens
- les: [adv] less
- leter: [n] letter (mail)
- level: [n] level, layer
- lever: [n] lever
- librari: [n] library
- lie: [v] lie (speak untruth)
- life: [n] life
- lift: [v] lift, raise, bring upwards
- lik: [v] lick
- like: [prep] like, similar to
- likuid: [n] liquid
- lim: [n] limb
- lime: [n] lime
- limit: [n] limit, contraint
- line: [n] line
- lip: [n] lip
- lisen: [v] listen to
- list: [n] list, sequence
- liter: [n] liter
- live: [v] live
- liver: [n] liver
- lizard: [n] lizard
- liȝt: [n] light
- liȝtniŋ: [n] lightning, thunder
- liȝtweiȝt: [a] light, lightweight
- lojik: [n] logic, reason
- lok: [v] lock
- lokal: [a] local
- loneli: [a] lonely
- look: [v] look at, view
- loop: [n] loop
- loose: [a] loose
- lose: [v] lose (possession of something)
- loud: [a] loud
- love: [v] love
- lower: [v] lower, bring downwards
- loyal: [a] loyal, faithful
- loŋ: [a] long
- lunc: [n] lunch
- luŋ: [n] lung
- mac: [v] match
- magnet: [n] magnet
- mail: [n] mail
- main: [a] main, primary
- majik: [n] magic
- majoriti: [n] majority
- make: [v] make, create
- mamal: [n] mammal
- man: [n] man, male
- mani: [a] many, a lot
- manual: [a] manual
- map: [n] map
- marc: [n] March
- mari: [n] marry
- mark: [v] mark
- market: [n] market
- mas: [n] mass
- material: [n] material
- may: [n] May (the month)
- maybe: [adv] maybe, might, may, perhaps
- maþ: [n] math, mathematics
- mašine: [n] machine
- me: [pn] I, me
- meal: [n] meal
- mean: [v] mean, indicate, imply
- meat: [n] meat
- meažure: [v] measure
- medisine: [n] medicine
- meet: [v] meet
- melon: [n] melon
- melt: [v] melt
- member: [n] member
- memori: [n] memory
- menu: [n] menu
- mesaje: [n] message
- metal: [n] metal
- meter: [n] meter (unit of length)
- meþod: [n] method
- meš: [n] mesh
- midle: [n] middle, center
- miks: [v] mix
- milk: [n] milk
- mineral: [n] mineral
- minoriti: [n] minority
- mint: [n] mint
- minus: [ptc] minus (subtraction operator; also forms negative numbers)
- minute: [n] minute
- miror: [n] mirror
- mis: [v] miss (fail to hit)
- mist: [n] mist
- mobile: [a] mobile
- modern: [a] modern, contemporary
- mold: [n] mold
- molekule: [n] molecule
- molusk: [n] mollusk
- monday: [n] Monday
- money: [n] money, currency
- monþ: [n] month
- moon: [n] moon
- more: [adv] more
- morniŋ: [n] morning
- most: [adv] most (forms superlative adjectives)
- mountain: [n] mountain
- mouse: [n] mouse
- mouþ: [n] mouth
- move: [v] move
- moðer: [n] mother
- moŋkey: [n] monkey
- mud: [n] mud
- mukus: [n] mucus
- musik: [n] music, song
- musle: [n] muscle
- mustaše: [n] mustache
- mušroom: [n] mushroom
- nacure: [n] nature
- nail: [n] nail (a metal fastener)
- name: [n] name
- napkin: [n] napkin
- narow: [a] narrow
- native: [a] native
- našion: [n] nation, country
- near: [a] near, nearby, close
- need: [v] need, require, must
- nefew: [n] nephew
- neil: [n] nail (of a finger/toe) ("neil" to avoid collision with "nail")
- neiȝbœr: [a] neighbor/neighbour
- nek: [n] neck
- nekst: [a] next, following
- nerve: [n] nerve
- nervous: [a] nervous, worried, anxious
- net: [n] net
- network: [n] network
- neutron: [n] neutron
- new: [a] new
- news: [n] news
- newton: [n] newton (unit of force)
- niese: [n] niece
- nine: [num] nine, 9
- niple: [n] nipple
- nise: [a] nice, kind, polite, respectful, pleasant
- nitrojen: [n] nitrogen
- niȝt: [n] night
- no: [ptc] no (response to a question), not
- none: [det] none, no, not any
- normal: [a] normal, usual
- norþ: [a] north, northern
- note: [n] note
- notise: [v] notice
- noun: [n] noun
- november: [n] November
- now: [adv] now
- noze: [n] nose
- number: [n] number, amount, quantity
- nut: [n] nut
- nutrient: [n] nutrient
- objekt: [n] object
- odœr: [n] odor/odour, smell
- of: [prep] off, off of
- ofer: [v] offer
- ofise: [n] office
- often: [a] often, frequent
- oil: [n] oil
- okay: [a] okay, fine, acceptable, decent
- oksijen: [n] oxygen
- oktober: [n] October
- old: [a] old
- on: [prep] on, on top of
- one: [num] one, 1
- onion: [n] onion
- onli: [adv] only, just
- opakue: [a] opaque, unclear
- open: [v] open
- opoze: [v] oppose, be against
- or: [c] or
- oranje: [a] orange (color)
- oranjefruit: [n] orange (fruit)
- order: [n] order, permutation
- organ: [n] organ (body part)
- organize: [v] organize/organise
- orijin: [n] origin, source
- ornament: [n] ornament, decoration
- out: [prep] out, outside
- outerspase: [n] (outer) space
- output: [n] output
- ov: [prep] of, relating to
- oval: [n] oval
- oven: [n] oven, stove
- own: [v] own
- oðer: [a] other, another
- ošean: [n] ocean, sea
- pain: [n] pain
- paint: [n] paint
- paje: [n] page
- pale: [a] pale, faded
- pan: [n] pan
- pants: [n] pants
- paper: [n] paper
- paralel: [a] parallel
- parent: [n] parent
- park: [n] park
- part: [n] part, piece
- parti: [n] party
- partikle: [n] particle (part of speech)
- partner: [n] partner, significant other
- paršial: [a] partial
- pas: [v] pass, go by
- past: [n] past
- pasta: [n] pasta
- pastri: [n] pastry
- patern: [n] pattern
- pauze: [v] pause
- pay: [v] pay, spend
- paþ: [n] path
- pašient: [a] patient
- peanut: [n] peanut
- pease: [n] peace
- pen: [n] pen
- penis: [n] penis
- pensil: [n] pencil, crayon
- peper: [n] pepper
- perfekt: [a] perfect
- permanent: [a] permanent
- perpendikular: [a] perpendicular
- person: [n] person
- piano: [n] piano
- pic: [n] pitch, tone, frequency (of a sound)
- pie: [n] pie
- pig: [n] pig
- pile: [n] pile, mound
- pilow: [n] pillow, cushion
- pitsa: [n] pizza
- piŋk: [a] pink
- plan: [n] plan
- planet: [n] planet
- plant: [n] plant
- plase: [n] place, location, position
- plastik: [n] plastic
- play: [v] play
- plug: [n] plug
- plus: [ptc] plus (addition operator)
- poem: [n] poem
- point: [n] point (geometric)
- poizon: [n] poison
- poket: [n] pocket
- pole: [n] pole
- polise: [n] police
- polute: [v] pollute
- poop: [n] poop, feces
- poor: [a] poor
- popular: [a] popular, famous
- posible: [a] possible
- pot: [n] pot
- potato: [n] potato
- pour: [v] pour
- praktise: [v] practice, exercise
- prefer: [v] prefer
- pregnant: [a] pregnant
- prepare: [v] prepare
- prepozišion: [n] preposition
- pretend: [v] pretend
- prevent: [v] prevent
- previous: [a] previous, last
- print: [v] print
- private: [a] private
- prize: [n] prize, reward
- prizon: [n] prison, jail
- probable: [a] probable, likely
- problem: [n] problem, issue, flaw
- program: [n] program, software, application
- progres: [n] progress
- projekt: [n] project
- promise: [v] promise, guarantee
- pronoun: [n] pronoun
- proton: [n] proton
- proud: [a] proud
- prove: [v] prove
- publik: [a] public
- publiš: [v] publish, post
- pul: [v] pull
- pumpkin: [n] pumpkin
- punc: [v] punch
- puniš: [v] punish, penalize/penalise
- purcase: [v] purchase, buy
- pure: [a] pure
- purple: [a] purple
- purpose: [n] purpose, point
- put: [v] put, place
- puzle: [n] puzzle
- puš: [v] push, press
- rabit: [n] rabbit
- radio: [n] radio
- rain: [n] rain
- rat: [n] rat
- razberi: [n] raspberry
- reac: [v] reach
- read: [v] read
- readi: [a] ready, prepared
- reakt: [v] react, respond
- real: [a] real, actual
- red: [a] red
- reflekt: [v] reflect
- rekognize: [v] recognize/recognise, be familiar with
- rekord: [v] record, make a record of
- rektaŋgle: [n] rectangle
- rekuest: [v] request
- relate: [v] relate
- release: [v] release
- relijion: [n] religion, faith
- remember: [v] remember, recall
- remind: [v] remind
- remove: [v] remove, take away
- rent: [v] rent
- reprezent: [v] represent, signify, be a symbol for
- reptile: [n] reptile
- resent: [a] recent
- resourse: [n] resource, supply
- respekt: [v] respect
- rest: [v] rest, relax
- restaurant: [n] restaurant
- reward: [v] reward
- rezerve: [v] reserve, conserve
- rezist: [v] resist
- rezume: [v] resume, continue
- ric: [a] rich, wealthy
- ride: [v] ride
- rise: [n] rice
- risk: [n] risk
- rite: [v] write
- river: [n] river
- riŋ: [n] ring, hoop
- riȝt: [a] right (the direction), rightward
- road: [n] road, street
- rodent: [n] rodent
- rok: [n] rock, stone
- roof: [n] roof
- room: [n] room, chamber
- root: [n] root
- rope: [n] rope
- rouf: [a] rough
- round: [a] round, curved
- row: [n] row
- rub: [v] rub, wipe
- ruber: [n] rubber
- rude: [a] rude, mean, unkind, disrespectful
- rug: [n] rug, mat, carpet
- run: [v] run
- ruš: [v] rush, hurry
- sad: [a] sad, unhappy
- safe: [a] safe, secure
- salad: [n] salad
- salt: [n] salt
- salti: [a] salty
- same: [a] equal, identical, the same
- sample: [n] sample
- sand: [n] sand
- sandwic: [n] sandwich
- satelite: [n] satellite
- saturday: [n] Saturday
- sausaje: [n] sausage, hot dog
- sause: [n] sauce
- say: [v] say, tell
- saŋk: [v] sink (derived from the past tense "sank" to avoid collision with "siŋk")
- searc: [v] search for, look for, seek
- seazon: [n] season
- see: [v] see
- seed: [n] seed
- seem: [v] seem (to be), appear (to be)
- seiliŋ: [n] ceiling
- sekond: [n] second (unit of time)
- sekret: [n] secret
- seks: [n] sex, sexual activity
- sel: [v] sell
- selekt: [v] select, pick, choose
- self: [pn] the self, myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves
- semen: [n] semen
- sement: [n] cement
- send: [v] send
- sentense: [n] sentence
- separate: [a] separate, apart
- september: [n] September
- seramik: [n] ceramic
- sereal: [n] cereal
- serious: [a] serious
- seven: [num] seven, 7
- sew: [v] sew, stitch
- sfere: [n] sphere, ball
- sibliŋ: [n] sibling
- side: [n] side
- siense: [n] science
- sigarete: [n] cigarette
- signal: [n] signal
- sik: [a] sick, ill
- sikoloji: [n] psychology
- siks: [num] six, 6
- silent: [a] silent
- sili: [a] silly, crazy, ridiculous
- silikon: [n] silicon
- silinder: [n] cylinder
- silver: [n] silver
- simbol: [n] symbol, character, letter
- similar: [a] similar
- simple: [a] simple, basic
- sin: [n] sign
- sinema: [n] cinema
- sirkle: [n] circle
- sistem: [n] system
- sister: [n] sister
- sit: [v] sit
- sizor: [n] scissor
- siŋ: [v] sing
- siŋk: [n] sink
- skare: [v] scare, frighten
- ski: [n] sky
- skin: [n] skin
- skool: [n] school
- skore: [n] score, grade
- skrac: [v] scratch, scrape
- skreen: [n] screen, monitor, display
- skrew: [n] screw
- skuare: [n] square
- skueeze: [v] squeeze, compress
- sleep: [v] sleep
- slide: [v] slide, slip
- slope: [n] slope, ramp, incline
- slow: [a] slow
- smal: [a] small, little
- smart: [a] smart, clever
- smel: [v] smell
- smile: [v] smile
- smoke: [n] smoke
- smooð: [a] smooth
- snail: [n] snail
- snak: [n] snack
- snake: [n] snake
- sneeze: [v] sneeze
- snow: [n] snow
- so: [c] so, therefore
- soap: [n] soap
- soda: [n] soda
- sofa: [n] sofa, couch
- soft: [a] soft
- sok: [n] sock
- solid: [n] solid
- solve: [v] solve
- some: [det] some
- son: [n] son
- soon: [adv] soon
- sooðe: [v] soothe
- sori: [a] sorry, shameful
- sosieti: [n] society
- sound: [n] sound, noise
- soup: [n] soup
- sour: [a] sour
- souþ: [a] south, southern
- sošial: [a] social
- sparkle: [v] sparkle, glimmer
- spase: [n] space, gap
- speak: [v] speak, talk
- speed: [n] speed, rate, pace
- spel: [v] spell (a word)
- spešial: [a] special, unique
- spešies: [n] species
- spider: [n] spider, arachnid
- spil: [v] spill
- spin: [v] spin, rotate, turn
- spisi: [a] spicy
- spit: [n] spit, saliva
- split: [v] split, divide
- sponje: [n] sponge
- spoon: [n] spoon
- sport: [n] sport
- spouse: [n] spouse
- spray: [v] spray
- spread: [v] spread
- spriŋ: [n] spring (the season)
- stable: [a] stable, steady
- stair: [n] stair, step
- stale: [a] stale
- stand: [v] stand, stand up
- standard: [n] standard, convention
- star: [n] star
- start: [v] start, begin
- state: [n] state, status
- stay: [v] stay, remain
- stašionari: [a] stationary
- steal: [v] steal, rob
- steam: [n] steam
- steel: [n] steel
- steep: [a] steep
- step: [n] step
- stik: [n] stick
- stil: [a] still, not moving, not changing
- stile: [n] style, fashion
- stomak: [n] stomach
- stop: [v] stop, halt
- stori: [n] story, tale, plot
- storm: [n] storm
- straiȝt: [a] straight
- strateji: [n] strategy
- straw: [n] straw (for drinking)
- strawberi: [n] strawberry
- strec: [v] stretch
- striŋ: [n] string, thread
- stroŋ: [a] strong, tough, durable
- strugle: [v] struggle
- strukcure: [n] structure
- stupid: [a] stupid, dumb
- subjekt: [n] subject, topic, theme
- submit: [v] submit, enter
- substanse: [n] substance
- suden: [a] sudden
- suk: [v] suck
- sum: [n] sum, total
- sumer: [n] summer
- sun: [n] sun
- sunday: [n] Sunday
- surfase: [n] surface, face
- suround: [v] surround, enclose, encircle
- surprise: [v] surprise
- survey: [n] survey, poll
- sustain: [v] sustain, maintain
- swap: [v] swap, switch, interchange
- sweat: [n] sweat
- sweep: [v] sweep
- sweet: [a] sweet
- swim: [v] swim
- swiŋ: [v] swing
- table: [n] table
- tail: [n] tail
- taks: [n] tax
- tal: [a] tall
- tame: [a] tame, domestic
- tape: [n] tape
- task: [n] task, assignment
- taste: [v] taste
- tea: [n] tea
- teac: [v] teach, educate, instruct
- team: [n] team
- tear: [n] tear (from crying)
- teknoloji: [n] technology
- tekscure: [n] texture
- tekst: [n] text
- televižion: [n] television, TV
- temporari: [a] temporary
- ten: [num] ten, 10
- test: [v] test, experiment
- tie: [v] tie (a string, knot, etc.)
- tiket: [n] ticket
- tile: [n] tile
- time: [n] time
- times: [ptc] times (multiplication operator)
- timid: [a] timid, shy
- tipe: [v] type (on a keyboard)
- tired: [a] tired, sleepy
- title: [n] title
- tiȝt: [a] tight
- to: [prep] to, toward
- today: [adv] today
- toe: [n] toe
- togeðer: [a] together
- toilet: [n] toilet
- tomato: [n] tomato
- tomorow: [adv] tomorrow
- tool: [n] tool, device
- toomuc: [adv] too much
- tooþ: [n] tooth
- top: [n] top, peak
- total: [a] total(ly), complete(ly), full(y)
- touc: [v] touch, contact
- towel: [n] towel
- tower: [n] tower
- town: [n] town, city, village
- toy: [n] toy
- toðe: [ptc] to the power of (exponentiation operator)
- toŋue: [n] tongue
- trade: [v] trade, exchange
- trafik: [n] traffic
- train: [n] train
- trak: [n] track, rail
- tranzlate: [v] translate
- trap: [v] trap, capture
- travel: [v] travel
- tree: [n] tree
- tri: [v] try, attempt
- triaŋgle: [n] triangle
- trik: [v] trick, fool
- true: [a] true, real
- truk: [n] truck
- trumpet: [n] trumpet
- trust: [v] trust
- tube: [n] tube, pipe
- tuezday: [n] Tuesday
- tunel: [n] tunnel
- twist: [v] twist
- two: [num] two, 2
- ugli: [a] ugly
- umami: [a] umami
- understand: [v] understand, comprehend
- undo: [v] undo, reverse an action
- unit: [n] unit
- universe: [n] universe
- until: [c] until
- up: [a] up, high, high up
- useful: [v] useful, convenient, handy
- utensil: [n] utensil
- uze: [v] use
- uziŋ: [prep] using, by means of
- uŋkle: [n] uncle
- vague: [a] vague, imprecise, fuzzy
- vajina: [n] vagina
- vehikle: [n] vehicle
- vejetable: [n] vegetable
- verb: [n] verb
- veri: [adv] very, much, a lot
- verteks: [n] vertex
- vertikal: [a] vertical
- veržion: [n] version, edition
- vibrant: [a] vibrant, saturated
- video: [n] video
- view: [n] view, sight
- vinegar: [n] vinegar
- violent: [a] violent
- violin: [n] violin
- virus: [n] virus
- viskous: [n] viscous, thick (of a liquid)
- vitamin: [n] vitamin
- vizit: [v] visit
- voise: [n] voice
- volume: [n] volume (space)
- vomit: [v] vomit, puke
- vowel: [n] vowel
- wac: [v] watch
- wak: [v] walk
- wal: [n] wall
- want: [v] want, desire, wish
- war: [n] war, battle, conflict, combat
- warm: [a] warm, slightly hot
- warn: [v] warn, alert
- waste: [v] waste
- wat: [det] what, which (used to ask questions)
- water: [n] water
- wave: [n] wave
- way: [n] way, means
- waš: [v] wash
- we: [pn] we, us
- weak: [a] weak, feable
- weapon: [n] weapon
- wear: [v] wear (clothing)
- weat: [n] wheat
- weaðer: [n] weather, climate
- web: [n] web
- week: [n] week
- weel: [n] wheel
- weiȝt: [n] weight
- welkome: [v] welcome, greet
- wen: [adv] when, at what time
- wenezday: [n] Wednesday
- were: [adv] where, at what place
- west: [a] west, western
- wet: [a] wet, damp
- wi: [adv] why, for what reason
- wic: [ptc] which (forms relative clauses)
- wide: [a] wide
- wife: [n] wife
- wild: [a] wild, savage
- win: [v] win, succeed
- wind: [n] wind, breeze, gust
- window: [n] window
- wine: [n] wine
- winter: [n] winter
- wisper: [v] whisper
- wite: [a] white
- wiþ: [prep] with
- wiŋ: [n] wing
- woman: [n] woman, female
- wood: [n] wood
- word: [n] word
- work: [v] work
- world: [n] world
- wori: [v] worry
- worm: [n] worm
- woud: [ptc] would (placed before a verb to make it hypothetical or conditional)
- wound: [n] wound
- yal: [pn] you all (plural), y'all
- year: [n] year
- yearn: [v] yearn for, miss
- yelow: [a] yellow
- yes: [ptc] yes (response to a question)
- yesterday: [adv] yesterday
- yet: [adv] yet
- you: [pn] you (singular)
- youŋ: [a] young
- zero: [num] zero, 0
- ðan: [prep] than (used in comparisons), relative to
- ðat: [det] that
- ðe: [det] the
- ðem: [pn] they, them (singular, gender-neutral pronoun)
- ðen: [c] then, in that case
- ðere: [adv] there, over there
- ðet: [ptc] that (forms subordinate clauses)
- ðey: [pn] they, them (plural)
- ðis: [det] this
- þaŋk: [v] thank
- þik: [a] thick
- þin: [a] thin
- þirsti: [a] thirsty
- þiŋ: [n] thing
- þiŋk: [v] think
- þouzand: [num] (one) thousand, 1000
- þree: [num] three, 3
- þroat: [n] throat
- þrouȝ: [prep] through
- þrow: [v] throw, toss
- þurzday: [n] Thursday
- šadow: [n] shadow
- šake: [v] shake, rumble, vibrate
- šalow: [a] shallow
- šape: [n] shape, form
- šare: [v] share
- šarp: [a] sharp, pointy
- šave: [v] shave
- še: [pn] she, her
- šeep: [n] sheep
- šel: [n] shell
- šelf: [n] shelf
- šine: [v] shine, glow
- širt: [n] shirt
- šoe: [n] shoe
- šoot: [v] shoot, fire
- šop: [n] shop, store
- šort: [a] short
- šoud: [v] should
- šout: [v] shout, yell, scream, cry
- šovel: [n] shovel
- šow: [v] show, point out, draw attention to, demonstrate, expose
- šower: [n] shower
- šriŋk: [v] shrink
- šugar: [n] sugar
- šure: [a] sure, certain, confident
- folow: [v] follow, obey
- let: [v] let, allow, permit
- rule: [n] rule, regulation
- law: [n] law