Conjunctions are words which join words and sentences together. Here's a list of all conjunction words in Koolaŋ:
- and (and)
- or (or)
- if (if)
- ðen (then)
- but (but)
- so (so)
- becauze (because)
- until (until)
- azif (as if, as though)
Here are some examples of them in use:
- Ðe kat and ðe mouse "The cat and the mouse"
- Jon or Sara šoud go "John or Sarah should go"
- Me kan kloze ðe door if you want "I can close the door if you want"
- If ðe weaðer man ised korekt, ðen rain isel tomorow "If the weather man was correct, then it will rain tomorrow"
- Me want do it, but me no šoud "I want to do it, but I shouldn't"
- Me no need ðis þiŋ, so me givel it to you "I don't need this thing, so I will give it to you"
- Me bekomed aŋgri bekauze ðe mašin no fuŋkšioned "I became very angry because the machine didn't work"
- Me workel until ðe task is finišen "I will work until the task is finished"
- He wak azif he is bird "He walks as if he's a bird"
bekauze can also be followed by a single noun phrase, to mean "because of":
- Me woried bekauze ðe problems "I worried because of the problems"