Ðe Goodifien Laŋguaje


Welkome to ðe Koolaŋ webplase! Koolaŋ, or Koolang, is konstrukten laŋguaje maken from Eŋgliš, wic is dezined to simpleifi ðe mani anoyiŋ kompleksneses of ðe laŋguaje. Ðe name is šortifien veržion ov "kool laŋguaje", bekauze it is intended no onli for maninašional komunikatiŋ, but also for ðet Eŋgliš speakers kan simpleli have funnes and learn more simple veržion ov ðey laŋguaje popularli knowen for it kompleksnes.

Uzeu ðe butons at ðe top ov ðe paje for learn more about Koolaŋ!

Wi me šoud learn Koolaŋ?

In modern times Eŋgliš is bekomeŋ maninašional laŋguaje. Forcunateli Eŋgliš is more eazili learnen ðan mani oðer laŋguajes: it words is veri maninašionalli eazi for rekognize, haveŋ words from boþ Romanal and Jermanal laŋguajes, and it gramar is veri kam about noun and verb markiŋs, unlike ðe majoriti ov oðer Europeal laŋguajes.

But kearli, Eŋgliš is far from perfektnes: it have mani unruleal verb markiŋs (like "see" → "saw") and noun manines markiŋs (like "tooth" → "teeth"), and most bad ov al, it speliŋ is as veri badli unruleal ðet even native speakers strugle wiþ doiŋ it korektli.

Koolaŋ solve al ov ðis problems. Past verbs and manines nouns is maken wiþ ruleal endiŋs ("see" → "seed", "tooþ" → "tooþs"). Ðe speliŋ ov Koolaŋ is stroŋli one simbol for everi sound, one sound for everi simbol. None unruleal speliŋs, and none groups ov two simbols like "th" or "sh". One way in wic Koolaŋ do ðis is bi again aliveifiiŋ old and loŋli forgeten Eŋgliš simbols wic onli died bekauze ðe old teknolojial limits of printiŋ pušiŋ mašines, like þ (thorn), ð (eth), and ȝ (yogh).

Mani persons tried fiks Eŋgliš speliŋ bi canjeiŋ ðe riten laŋguaje for ðet it mac ðe speaken laŋguaje. Ðe main problem wiþ ðis is ðet ðe way in wic Eŋgliš is speaken stroŋli depend ðe lokal speakiŋ way, spešialli ðe vowel sounds. Ðis mean ðet speliŋ fiksiŋ ov ðis kind need eiðer konform to one egzakt way ov speakiŋ Eŋgliš, or let ðet everi person spel words in ðe way wic ðey wanted and disoneifi ðe riten laŋguaje.

Koolaŋ selekt ðe most diferent strateji, bi speakiŋ words in way wic (to some ekstent) mac how ðey alreadi is riten. Bekauze riten Eŋgliš is veri similar even akros diferent speakiŋ ways, ðis remove ðe majoriti ov ðe problems about diferent Eŋgliš speakiŋ ways, and mean ðat Koolaŋ fuŋkšion for everi person, not kareŋ about ðem speakiŋ way.

Lastli, Koolaŋ have smalifien wordlist ov around 1400 atomal words. Ðis kauze ðet ðe laŋguaje is eazili learnen but stil kan komfortableli say mani komon konsepts. Smal adiŋs or canjes maybe hapenel to ðis wordlist, but onli if it is believen ðet it is needen. More kompleks konsepts kan be deskriben uziŋ mani egzisteŋ words, instead makiŋ new words.