Here are the basic number roots in Koolaŋ:
- zero: 0
- one: 1
- two: 2
- þree: 3
- four: 4
- five: 5
- siks: 6
- seven: 7
- eiȝt: 8
- nine: 9
- ten: 10
- hundred: 100
- þouzand: 1000
All of these numbers can be used on their own; you don't even need a preceeding one for the words hundred or þouzand:
- One house "One house"
- Þree bokses "Three boxes"
- Ten persons "Ten people"
- Zero dogs "Zero dogs"
- Hundred aples "One hundred apples"
- Þouzand years "One thousand years"
You can put one or more powers of ten after a number, to multiply it by those powers of ten. Then you can concatante these in order to form any whole number.
- Ten two "Twelve; 12"
- Seven ten "Seventy; 70"
- Two hundred "Two hundred; 200"
- Two hundred one "Two hundred one; 201"
- Two hundred þree ten four "Two hundred thirty four; 234"
- Four þouzand "Four thousand; 4,000"
- Four þouzand four ten "Four thousand forty; 4,040"
- Four þouzand four hundred "Four thousand four hundred; 4,400"
- Ten þouzand "Ten thousand; 10,000"
- Ten four þouzand "Fourteen thousand; 14,000"
- Five ten þouzand "Fifty thousand; 50,000"
- Hundred þouzand "One hundred thousand; 100,000"
- Nine hundred þouzand nine hundred nine ten nine "Nine hundred thousand nine hundred ninety nine; 999,999"
Arbitary -illion numbers can be formed by putting the -ilion suffix onto any number. Oneilion is a million, Twoilion is a billion, etc.
- Eiȝt oneilion "Eight million; 8,000,000"
- Four ten þree fiveilion "Forty three quintillion; 43,000,000,000,000,000"
The words plus, minus, times, divide, and toðe can be used as operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. toðe is derived from "to the", as in "to the power of".
- Two plus two is four "Two plus two is four"
- One minus one is zero "One minus one is zero"
- Siks times siks is þree ten siks "Six times six is thirty six"
- Ten divide two is five "Ten divided by two is five"
- Oneilion is ten toðe siks "One million is ten two the power of six"
minus can also form negative numbers.
- Two minus þree is minus one "Two minus three is minus one"