Adjectives are words which describe nouns. Examples of adjectives include:
- good "good"
- loŋ "long"
- briȝt "bright"
- oðer "other"
- posible "possible"
Adjectives always precede the words they describe.
- nise person "a nice person"
- ðe beautiful flower "the beautiful flower"
The definite article ðe can be used with a bare adjective:
- Ðe green is more beautiful ðan ðe oranje "The green one is more beautiful than the orange one"
- Me prefer ðe oðer "I prefer the other one"
Adjectives can be made comparative with words like more, less, most, as, and ðan.
- Ðis house is more larje ðan ðat house "This house is larger than that house"
- Ðe boy is les hapi ðan ðe girl "The boy is less happy than the girl"
- You is ðe most beautiful person "You are the most beautiful person"
- It is as klear ðan mud "It is as clear as mud" (notice the usage of "ðan")
Any word can be converted into an adjective with the suffix -al.
- lojik (logic) → lojikal (logical)
- sistem (system) → sistemal (systematic)
- kat (cat) → katal (cat-like, or pertaining to cats)
An adjective can be converted into a noun with the suffix -nes.
- good (good) → goodnes (goodness)
- simple (simple) → simplenes (simplicity)
Adjectives can be negated with the prefix 'un-'.
- unposible "impossible"
- unneeden "unneeded; unnecessary"